Sad Sacks s01e38: Here Comes Treble. Elevator Muzak.


Today's Transcript

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sad Sacks s01e38 - Here Comes Treble

In the elevator, music plays in the background ...
Bellhop: Floor sir?
James: No thanks, I'm just here for the music.

Bellhop: But sir, you must...

James puts his finger on the bellhop's lips ...

James: Shhh.

James holds up jam jar ...

James: This is my jam.


Johnny's Rant

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I can't remember the last time I actually got pranked on April Fool's day. My favourite prank from the past was when I was a little kid, my friend's older sister convinced me to go skinny dipping in the local pond at night. I agreed, stripped, and jumped in hoping to impress her. She then scooped up my clothes and ran off, thinking I would have to come and collect my clothes naked in front of all my friends. Instead, I stayed in the water. For hours. I mean like four hours.

Feeling terrible, I assume, she eventually came to check on me and luckily brought me a towel. I cried so hard that she felt bad and kissed me on the lips to shut me up. It was pretty much the best day ever.

Anyway, for this April Fool's I don't have a prank. Instead I did a comic switcharoo with the artist from where I drew his comic in my style, and he drew my comic in his style. I could hardly wait to see what he came up with. If you want to see what I came up with for him, it's here.

Try not to be too cruel if you prank someone today. Or at least kiss them better, afterwards. #AprilFools