Sad Sacks s01e46: Zesty Lemon Tart. Lemonade stand


Today's Transcript

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sad Sacks s01e46 - Zesty Lemon Tart

Standing in line at a lemonade stand ...
Hipster: Hang on, let me overthink this.
James: *ages into an old man while waiting*

James is now a skeleton ...
Hipster: Do you have fair trade organic kale mist?


Johnny's Rant

Monday, April 20, 2015

I've never liked the expression, "when life gives you lemons, made lemonade". First of all, you're not the boss of me. If I have lemons I'm probably also "enjoying" some cheap tequila, while reading a good book (Tequila Mockingbird, lets say). Second of all, who is this "life" character that runs around distributing lemons? What's his agenda really? Is he taking kickbacks from big lemon? Not on my watch, squirt. I'll stick to limes and show you!

I had a lemonade stand when I was a kid. I also sold some vodka lemon coolers that I found in the back of our fridge when I ran out of lemonade. They were pretty popular with the older kids. I thought they tasted like gasoline, which I've always enjoyed the smell of, but not the taste. I feel like I've gotten off topic here.

Oh yeah, my mom whooped me pretty good for "peddlin' booze". #LemonadeStand